Program director, Population Medicine, School of Public Health
Lori Wilber

Program liaison, School of Medicine
(currently vacant)


The faculty for the combined degrees Population Medicine with Medicine Program is drawn from Loma Linda University’s Schools of Public Health and Medicine.


Students are selected through a process involving both the School of Medicine and School of Public Health. Selection is based on standard admission criteria for the M.P.H degree in population medicine—especially alignment of professional goals with the population medicine program learning outcomes.

The program

The program is designed for physicians seeking to improve health on both the individual and population levels. The curriculum includes applied practice of risk assessment and communication, prevention, leadership, physician well-being, and evidence-based practice.

An M.P.H. degree in population medicine taken as a stand-alone degree requires 56 units in public health and related courses. However, the M.D./M.P.H combined degree student is able to reduce the total units required by sharing 17.5 units between the two programs in the following manner:

First, Second, & Third Years
Standard M.D. curriculum
Fourth Year
M.P..H. Coursework
Courses in M.D. curriculum shared with M.P.H. curriculum
(Fulfills M.P.H. cognate/electives and religion requirement)
MCPF 510Christian Physician Formation4
MCPF 610Christian Physician Formation2
MCPF 710Christian Physician Formation3
MCSD 510Clincal Skills Developement5.5
RELR 704Orientation to Christian Physician Formation2
RELE 708Medicine and Ethics2
Autumn Quarter
PCOR 501Public Health for Community Resilience5
PMED 521Population Medicine I4
PMED 551Population Medicine in Public Health I4
Winter Quarter
PCOR 502Public Health for a Healthy Lifestyle5
PMED 522Population Medicine II4
PMED 552Population Medicine in Public Health II4
Spring Quarter
PCOR 503Public Health and Health Systems5
PMED 523Population Medicine III4
PMED 553Population Medicine in Public Health III4
Fifth Year
Standard M.D. fourth-year curriculum
Total Units57.5