
EMPR 524. Local and State Emergency Preparedness and Response. 3 Units.

Utilizes a case-study approach to examine the actions and interventions of public health practitioners and emergency managers applied to multiple phases of a disaster. Emphasizes development of an operational understanding of the emergency support functions that have local and regional application, as well as of public health emergencies faced by local communities.

EMPR 525. National and International Emergency Preparedness and Response. 3 Units.

Utilizes a case-study approach to examine the actions and interventions of public health practitioners and emergency managers in multiple phases of a disaster. Emphasizes development of an operational understanding of the emergency support functions that have national and global application, as well as the public health emergencies faced by global communities.

EMPR 526. Public Health Issues in Emergency Preparedness and Response. 3 Units.

Examines the critical public health considerations and environmental health issues of concern in an emergency, disaster, or complex humanitarian emergency. Covers public health responsibilities of assessment, water and food, shelter, sanitation, and prevention of communicable diseases. Utilizes case studies and a table-top exercise to provide practical application of the principles presented in the class.

EMPR 540. Seminars in Emergency Preparedness and Response. 3 Units.

Utilizes current events and case studies to illustrate current issues in emergency preparedness and response. Guided discussions on infectious disease, isolation, and quarantine; WMDs; biosurveillance and medical countermeasures; surge capacity and medical evacuation; psychosocial impacts; role of technology. Emphasizes situational analysis, public relations, and risk communication.