Program director, Religion and Society, School of Religion

Zdravko Plantak

Program liaison, School of Medicine

Amy Hayton


The faculty for the combined degrees Religion and Society with Medicine Program is drawn from Loma Linda University's Schools of Religion and Medicine.


Students are selected through a competitive process involving both the School of Medicine and School of  Religion. Selection is based upon standard admission criteria for the M.A. degree in Religion and Society. Scholarship opportunities are available; please contact program directors for details.

The program

The program is designed for physicians seeking to serve the church and world in the 21st century, and ideal for the medical professional seeking deeper biblical, theological, and philosophical insight, spiritual growth, practical competency, and cultural literacy. The curriculum covers the basic areas of theology, biblical studies, and Christian spirituality, and can also be customized around a particular area of interest.

An M.A. degree in religion and society taken as a stand-alone degree requires 48 units in religion and related courses. However, the M.D./M.A. combined degree student is able to reduce the total units required by sharing units between the two programs in the following manner.

First, Second, & Third Years
Standard M.D. curriculum
Fourth Year
M.A. coursework
Courses in M.D. curriculum shared with M.A. curriculum
RELR 704Orientation to Christian Physician Formation2
RELE 714Advanced Medical Ethics2
RELT 716God and Human Suffering2
RELT 707Medicine, Humanity, and God 12
or RELT 740 World Religions and Human Health
MCPF 510Christian Physician Formation4
Autumn Quarter
RELT 500Biblical Hermeneutics3
RELT 520Church History3
RELE 524Bioethics and Society3
RELE 589Biblical Ethics3
Winter Quarter
RELT 508Contemporary Christian Theology3
RELT 540World Religions and Human Health3
RELT 558Old Testament Thought3
RELG 696Project3
Spring Quarter
RELE 515Faith and Flourishing3
RELT 559New Testament Thought3
Elective 3
Fifth Year
Standard M.D. fourth-year curriculum
Total Units48

Other 700-level School of Religion courses may also be used