
HCBL 345. Project Management in Health Care. 3 Units.

Evaluate, recommend, negotiate, and manage projects for health-care applications. Project management techniques that integrate resources and facilitate workflow to produce desired outcomes.

HCBL 346. Legal and Ethical Environment in Health Care. 3 Units.

Fundamentals of health-care law, confidentiality, and ethics. Topics include liability theories, patient consent, privacy and security, evidence and discovery, and risk management, and compliance.

HCBL 434. Financial Management for Health Care. 3 Units.

Budget variance analysis, analysis of cost components, operating statements, and productivity related to a department budget. Examines financial accounting systems, financial evaluation ratios, and reports. Cost benefits realization preparation.

HCBL 471. Information Systems Management in Health Care I. 4 Units.

Detailed analysis of information systems used to support patient care, with emphasis on system development life cycle and support of health information technologies. Focuses on information governance initiatives.