ENVH 414. Introduction to Environmental Health. 3 Units.
Introduces an overview of the major areas of environmental health, such as ecology, environmental law, and population concerns; environmental diseases and toxins; food, water, and air quality; radiation; noise; and solid and hazardous waste.
ENVH 509. Principles of Environmental Health. 3 Units.
Rural and urban environmental factors that affect human-health status, enjoyment of the quality of life, and human survival. Focuses within a framework of air, water, food quality, residential environments, industrial sites, recreational patterns, and environmental risk avoidance. Stresses prevention of disease and promotion of healthful environments. Not applicable toward a major in environmental health.
ENVH 515. Food Quality Assurance. 3 Units.
Principles and techniques of quality assurance for food preparation and prevention of food-borne diseases. Sanitary and safe preparation, storage, transportation, and handling of foodstuffs and products. Criteria and methods of inspection and surveillance, facilities design, and plan checking. Food degradation, contamination, additives, and toxicants. Performance criteria for food handlers, with application to environmental techniques in education, enforcement, and consultation.
Prerequisite: Program prerequisite courses or written consent of program advisor.
ENVH 525. Special Topics in Environmental and Occupational Health. 1-4 Units.
Lecture and discussion on a current topic in environmental and occupational health. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 units applicable to degree program.
ENVH 566. Outdoor Air Quality and Human Health. 3 Units.
Sources and characteristics of air pollutants and their effects on humans and human environment. Methods used in sampling of pollutants, controls, and abatement of air-quality standards violations.
Prerequisite: Program prerequisite courses; or written consent of program advisor.
ENVH 569. Environmental Sampling and Analysis. 4 Units.
Practical laboratory experience that serves as an introduction to techniques used in measurement and evaluation of environmental health problems. Techniques pertinent to air, water, and food sanitation. Occupational stressors and radiological health.
Prerequisite: Program prerequisite courses; or written consent of program advisor.
ENVH 587. Environmental Toxicology. 3 Units.
Principles and mechanisms of toxicology as applied to environmentally encountered toxic agents. Toxicants of current public health importance and their pathologic effect on representative tissues and organs. Dose-response relationships; hazard and risk assessment; and determination of toxicity of environmental carcinogens, teratogens, mutagens, pesticides, metals, plastics, and organic solvents.
Prerequisite: Program prerequisite courses; or written consent of program advisor.
ENVH 589. Environmental Risk Assessment. 3 Units.
Principles and methods of risk assessment associated with human exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental hazards. Quantitative risk-assessment methodologies and approaches. Ecological risk assessment; risk management issues involved in taking appropriate public health action; risk communication, acceptability, and perception; and informational resources.
ENVH 694. Research. 1-14 Units.
Independent research on problems currently receiving study in the department. Research program arranged with faculty member(s) involved. Minimum of thirty hours required for each unit of credit. Limited to qualified master's degree students.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor responsible for supervision and of program advisor.
ENVH 696. Directed Study/Special Project. 1-4 Units.
Individual arrangements for advanced students to study under the guidance of a program faculty member. May include readings, literature reviews, or other special projects. Minimum of thirty hours required for each unit of credit. A maximum of 4 units applicable to any master's degree program.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor responsible for supervision and of program advisor.
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