BHCJ 303. Cultural Learning. 4 Units.
Students develop skills in learning a culture by applying principles from two modes of inquiry: ethnography and ethnology. Practice gathering cultural information and data through ethnographic interviews, as well as through research in the human relations area files. Focuses on developing knowledge of a particular culture in which the student has an interest.
BHCJ 500. The Community Resiliency Model. 3 Units.
Provides comprehensive learning in the use of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM), a program that equips individuals and community members in the development and use of resiliency-informed neurologically based wellness skills. Seeks to help to build resiliency within individuals and communities that share common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system. Utilizes this skills-based approach to restore and increase resiliency.
BHCJ 501. Critical Thinking. 4 Units.
Develops in postbaccalaureate students critical-thinking skills, including: evaluating ideas, using dialogical learning for deep reliable knowledge, thinking inductively and deductively, accurately conceptualizing for better decision making and behavioral choices, applying critical thinking to academic success and life-long learning.
BHCJ 502. Classroom Teaching Strategies. 3 Units.
Addresses pedagogical issues including, but not limited to: developing a healthy learning environment in the classroom, developing effective teaching strategies, fostering effective learning strategies in students, preparing syllabi, lecturing, managing classroom discussion, evaluating students¿ performance.
BHCJ 505. Personal Finance. 2 Units.
Comprehensive introduction to responsibilities within professional practice and personal finance management. Includes financial management, loans and debt reduction strategies, retirement planning, risk management, and human resource management; and, personal and practice decisions based on related legal, ethical, and financial issues.
BHCJ 514. Editing, Style, and Grammar for Academic Writing and Publication. 2 Units.
Focuses on mastery of the editing stage of academic manuscript preparation. Applicable to all academic works, including publishable research results, term papers, dissertations, theses, and proposals. Covers the self-editing option, editing techniques, grammar, punctuation, and style. Addresses APA and other styles.
BHCJ 515. Researching and Writing Graduate Level Papers. 2-4 Units.
Provides skills for critical writing, including organization, development of idea, and presentation of conclusion. Develops skills applicable to the preparation of term papers in the students' disciplines.
BHCJ 550. Fundamentals of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. 2 Units.
Examines the theory, empirical foundations, and applications of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an evidenced-based psychosocial treatment initially developed for suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Familiarizes students with the techniques of DBT, as well as the latest research on and adaptations for use of DBT with other populations.
BHCJ 585. Sociology of Communities. 4 Units.
Examines classical and contemporary theories of community. Provides a theoretical foundation for applied social science professional programs that require an understanding of the community in contemporary society.
BHCJ 615. Writing for Thesis/Dissertation. 2-4 Units.
Develops skills necessary for researching and writing theses and dissertations. Includes researching literature in electronic and library sources; and collecting, filtering, paraphrasing, and organizing data from literature. Develops editing skills that may be applied to any prose writing involved in producing a thesis or dissertation—including proposals, abstracts, introductions, reviews of literature, write-ups of data analyses, and conclusions.
BHCJ 649. Integration of Behavioral Health in Primary Care. 2 Units.
Introduces the integration of behavioral health in primary care settings. Focuses on how a wholistic (bio-psychosocial-spiritual) approach to behavioral health care (including the integration of diet and exercise) can improve emotional well-being and health-care outcomes. All students in the school's behavioral health disciplines encouraged to take this course.
BHCJ 690. Behavioral Health Research Extension. 0 Units.
Provides a mechanism for School of Behavioral Health students to extend their doctoral research due to unforeseen research barriers.
BHCJ 700. Behavioral Health Clinical Training. 0 Units.
Documents the progression of School of Behavioral Health students in clinical training.
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