Program director
Kimberly Freeman

Prior to the end of the 1990s, two doctoral degrees (the Ph.D. and original D.S.W.) were viewed as interchangeable modes of advancing the scholarship of the social work profession. However, flexibility in the articulation of discipline-specific Ph.D. programs led to preference for the Ph.D. doctorate over the D.S.W. degree, finally resulting in the complete elimination of the D.S.W. degree in the United States.  Over the last decade, there has been growing recognition by social work professionals and educators that a practice doctorate for social work addresses the expansion of much-needed applied scholarship in ways not being achieved by social work Ph.D. programs. Thus, the role, importance, and a new vision of the practice doctorate in social work has been articulated and follows the journey seen in other fields such as nursing, physical therapy, speech, and audiology. As such, the D.S.W. degree in its re-articulated content provides a pathway for M.S.W.-level social workers to further their development as scholar practitioners, providing leadership and innovation in applied social work practice.

Mission statement

The mission of the Doctor of Social Work program is to transform experienced M.S.W.-level social workers into scholar practitioners capable of advancing clinical social work practice knowledge and innovation through applied scholarship, leadership, education, and the promotion of social justice in support of whole-person care in an increasingly diverse and global practice environment.

Program goals

The goals of the D.S.W. program are to:

  1. Prepare doctoral-level social work scholar practitioners with expertise in clinical leadership.
  2. Equip students with the understanding and skills needed to develop, implement, and disseminate knowledge and innovation in behavioral health practice and social work education.
  3. Equip students to be transformative leaders in the integration and promotion of social justice in behavioral health services and social work education.

Program learning outcomes

By the end of the program, the graduate should be able to:


Financial assistance

Students who are accepted into the D.S.W. degree program may apply for work-study with the Department of Social Work and Social Ecology. Students may also apply for need-based financial aid, such as a loan or other work-study programs on campus. Students accepted into the D.S.W. degree program are eligible for and encouraged to apply for the CSWE minority fellowships. See for information.

For information regarding funding opportunities, see Student Aid in the financial polices section of this CATALOG.

All doctoral degrees at Loma Linda University fall under the institution’s accreditation by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). D.S.W. degrees are not currently accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Albeit the Council has approved standards for accreditation and is beginning to pilot the standards prior to engaging in the formal accreditation of D.S.W. programs. Loma Linda’s D.S.W. program is committed to the accreditation standards currently published by CSWE and is following the minimum program criteria to be eligible for consideration of future accreditation by CSWE. The D.S.W. program at Loma Linda University has been designed to meet these criteria from inception and will apply for CSWE accreditation once available.

Open to California Residents Only.

Applicants must meet Loma Linda University and School of Behavioral Health admissions requirements, and give evidence of academic ability, professional comportment, and mature judgment. The Doctor of Social Work degree curriculum represents advanced study over and above the M.S.W. degree. Admission is based on an integrated evaluation of the following criteria:

  • M.S.W. degree or equivalent (e.g., M.S.S.W.) from a program that is accredited by the CSWE
  • A minimum of four-years professional social work experience post receipt of the M.S.W. degree
  • A minimum M.S.W. G.P.A. of 3.3
  • License to practice clinical social work is preferred
  • Structured essay: Write a essay of no more than 750 words that addresses the following: Discuss the role of clinical leadership in promoting client-centered care in contemporary social work settings. The essay should demonstrate your critical thinking, analytical abilities, and writing skills.
  • Personal statement: Write a personal statement (maximum 500 words) outlining your academic and professional goals and explaining why you are interested in pursuing your DSW.
  • Structured individual and group interview
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation (academic and professional)


Pre-entrance clearance:

  • Health clearance

Anti-discrimination policy:

The Doctor of Social Work program adheres to the policy of the university. 

Theory, analytical analysis, and social justice
SWCL 610Diversity Theory and Global Perspectives3
SWCL 615Comparative Social Work History and Practice, Evidence-based Practice and Social Justice4
SWCL 658Advanced Policy Analysis and Research3
Clinical interventions
SWCL 620Clinical Interventions I: Advanced Theories and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interventions3
SWCL 630Clinical Interventions and Design3
SWCL 640Clinical Interventions III: Trans-modular Methods for Complex Systems3
SWCL 650Neuroscience, Resiliency and Trauma-Focused Global Practice3
Clinical leadership, management and program development
SWCL 670Clinical Leadership I3
SWCL 680Clinical Leadership II3
CFSD 624Program Development for Families and Communities3
CFSD 625Grant Writing3
CFSD 626Program Evaluation and Monitoring for Families and Communities3
Academic leadership and practice
SWCL 604AIntegrative Seminar: Academic Practice1
SWCL 604BIntegrative Seminar: Academic Practice1
SWCL 604CIntegrative Seminar: Academic Practice1
SWCL 605Digital Design: Curriculum and Course Development2
Applied clinical leadership and academic practice 1, 2
SWCL 785Externship I: DSW Project Portfolio Development2
SWCL 786Externship II: DSW Applied Project Development2
Spirituality, ethics, and whole person care
RELE 5__Graduate-level ethics studies3
RELT 540World Religions and Human Health 33
RELT 5__Graduate-level theological studies3
CFSD 601Statistics I4
CFSD 602Statistics II4
SWCL 654Research Methods I4
SWCL 655Research Methods II4
SWCL 660Implementation Science3
Applied doctoral project
SWCL 690Applied Project I2
SWCL 691Applied Project II2
SWCL 692Applied Project III2
SWCL 693DSW Project I2
SWCL 694DSW Project II2
SWCL 695DSW Project III2
Total Units86

Courses in this section are not taught online.


Previous life, work, or academic practicum experiences cannot not be used to meet this requirement. Externships are developed and assigned by the program faculty.


Fulfills service learning requirement.


The Doctor of Social Work degree is awarded upon completion of all required coursework and the following non-course requirements:

  • An oral defense and the A=applied D.S.W. project
  • Submission to the Program and School of Behavioral Health the final approved copy of the applied D.S.W. project document(s).


Three (3) years (eleven [11] academic quarters) — based on full-time enrollment including two summer externships


SWCL 601. Fundamental Statistics. 3 Units.

Focuses on basic, foundational behavioral statistics. Includes causality, levels of statistical measurement, frequencies distribution, measures of central tendency, dispersion, probability theory, normal distribution, t-tests, ANOVAs, and regressions.

SWCL 602. Data Analysis and Applied Statistics. 3 Units.

Provides a comprehensive introduction to utilizing data for diverse leadership applications. Engages students in identifying trends, tracking outcomes, evaluating programs, and making informed decisions based on data analysis. Emphasizes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method approaches. Requires hands-on work with applied project data and case studies, actively involving students in data analysis and gaining a deeper understanding of real-world applications.
Prerequisite: SWCL 601.

SWCL 604A. Integrative Seminar: Academic Practice. 1 Unit.

The first of three seminars focusing on the art and science of social work education, developing a teaching philosophy, instructional teaching methodologies, grading, educational ethics, and student assessment.
Cross-listing: SPOL 604A.

SWCL 604B. Integrative Seminar: Academic Practice. 1 Unit.

The second of three seminars on careers in social work education. Focuses on course subject and curriculum development and participating in social work accreditation.
Cross-listing: SPOL 604B.

SWCL 604C. Integrative Seminar: Academic Practice. 1 Unit.

Third of three seminars on careers in social work education. Examines preparation for career opportunities in social work education, and role of faculty in institutional, school, and program engagement and governance. Discusses scholarship expectations, student advising, and mentoring. Guidance on applying and interviewing for positions.
Cross-listing: SPOL 604C.

SWCL 605. Digital Design: Curriculum and Course Development. 2 Units.

Digital education pedagogy and assessment for designing and implementing effective clinical social work curriculum and courses. Techniques for leading discussions, constructing successful group assignments, and dealing with difficult subjects addressed.

SWCL 610. Diversity Theory and Global Perspectives. 3 Units.

Critically examines contemporary theories of diversity as seen through the lens of a global perspective, including intersectionality. Provides opportunity to apply these theories using a cultural humility framework for engaging diverse populations in clinical, policy, and research practice.

SWCL 615. Comparative Social Work History and Practice, Evidence-based Practice and Social Justice. 4 Units.

Compares philosophical and historical practice perspectives, addressing social justice and ecological well-being. Examines evidence-based, research-informed, and promising practices.

SWCL 620. Clinical Interventions I: Advanced Theories and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interventions. 3 Units.

Examine advanced clinical theories that guide predominate interventions used in behavioral health. Emphasis on understanding foundational underpinnings of cognitive behavioral therapy as basis for interventions related to specific diagnosis and conditions.

SWCL 626. Program Design, Evaluation and Monitoring. 4 Units.

Addresses formative and summative evaluations using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method designs. Emphasizes program evaluation and collaboration with stakeholders to ensure evaluation reports meet intended purposes. Includes program methods for the development of a consistent program design and evaluation plan. Utilizes assessment of program needs to address theory and adherence, process and performance, outcomes, impact, and efficiency in program design, evaluation, and monitoring.

SWCL 630. Clinical Interventions and Design. 3 Units.

Examines cutting-edge evidence-based practice applications supporting services for populations with compound needs in hard-to-service complex communities and systems. Divides content into three areas including clinical interventions, program design, and clinical measures to assess clinical outcomes and service delivery impact.

SWCL 640. Clinical Interventions III: Trans-modular Methods for Complex Systems. 3 Units.

Innovative trans-modal evidence-based practice applications supporting services for populations with compound needs in hard to service communities and systems. Impact on consumer outcomes and health disparities addressed.

SWCL 650. Neuroscience, Resiliency and Trauma-Focused Global Practice. 3 Units.

Examines neuroscience framework and bio-ecological research that underpin resiliency and trauma-informed methods. Emphasis on identifying intervention models that are ethno-racial adaptive and provide evidence of transformative sustainable results.

SWCL 654. Research Methods I. 4 Units.

Presents advanced quantitative research methods, emphasizing experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Examines specific methodologies used in conducting research in the area of social work research. Includes topics of measurement issues, research design, sampling, and statistical interpretation. Addresses survey research, time-series designs, and more advanced techniques.

SWCL 655. Research Methods II. 4 Units.

Presents advanced qualitative and mixed research methods, emphasizing selected qualitative and mixed research methodologies specific to clinical and health-services research. Covers topics including theoretical bases for conducting qualitative research; research design; data gathering, including interviewing, observation, archival and historical research, and data analysis and writing. Introduces various methods for integrating qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

SWCL 658. Advanced Policy Analysis and Research. 3 Units.

Presents conceptual and analytical requirements of policy analysis and research. Examines integration of behavioral, political, economic, and sociometric frameworks for understanding human conditions that support the development of formal policy arguments and policy research for sustained change.

SWCL 660. Implementation Science. 3 Units.

Introduces methods used in designing, testing, and implementing practice innovation in complex and fast-moving interdisciplinary clinical settings.

SWCL 670. Clinical Leadership I. 3 Units.

Knowledge and skills for effective management of clinical systems, supervision, management and evaluation of clinical teams, and educational andragogy.

SWCL 680. Clinical Leadership II. 3 Units.

Examines principles of executive leadership in highly charged and large-scale outcome environments, including role and methods of guiding strategic planning, financial management and judgement, cost/benefit analysis, resource development; and informatics.

SWCL 689. Applied Project Conceptualization. 2 Units.

Provides an opportunity to work with a student's project chair in writing a concept paper used to guide the development of their applied DSW project proposal. S.W. program.
Prerequisite: Completion of year 1 of D.

SWCL 690. Applied Project I. 2 Units.

Orientation to the requirements of the applied D.S.W. project. Development of applied project topic and objectives.

SWCL 691. Applied Project II. 2 Units.

Development of the literature review and methodology sections of the project proposal. Prerequisites: SWCL 690.

SWCL 692. Applied Project III. 2 Units.

Completion and successful defense of the Applied DSW Project proposal.
Prerequisite: SWCL 690, SWCL 691.

SWCL 693. DSW Project I. 1-4 Units.

Requires conducting a program evaluation, needs assessment, supported research project, or the development of a treatment manual, as determined by applied DSW project objectives.
Prerequisite: SWCL 690, SWCL 691, SWCL 692.

SWCL 694. DSW Project II. 1-4 Units.

Requires analysis of a program evaluation, needs assessment, supported research project, or development of a treatment manual, as determined by applied DSW project objectives.
Prerequisite: SWCL 693.

SWCL 695. DSW Project III. 1-4 Units.

Requires completion of the discussion section of students' applied DSW projects. Includes a comprehensive discussion of results and a rigorous critique in relation to current research as well as articulating practical implications of their findings, outlining a strategic dissemination plan, and presenting well-founded conclusions.
Prerequisite: SWCL 694.

SWCL 696. DSW Project IV. 1-4 Units.

Requires completion and submission of the final version of students' applied DSW projects. Engages students in a comprehensive defense of their projects, demonstrating mastery of their chosen topic as well as its relevance to leadership in clinical social work.
Prerequisite: SWCL 695.

SWCL 785. Externship I: DSW Project Portfolio Development. 2 Units.

Requires students to engage their organizational and professional learning networks to support the development of their DSW Applied Project Portfolio.
Prerequisite: Completion of Year 1 of DSW Program.

SWCL 786. Externship II: DSW Applied Project Development. 2 Units.

Provides experiential learning designed to support students' completion of IRB processes, initiation of data collection, or proposed program design.
Prerequisite: SWCL 785.