Physician assistants (PAs) are health professionals who are licensed to practice medicine under physician supervision. Physician assistants are qualified by graduation from an accredited physician assistant educational program and through certification by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. Within the physician/PA relationship, the PA exercises autonomy in medical decision making and provides a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. The clinical role of a PA includes primary and specialty care in medical and surgical settings in rural and urban areas. The PA's practice is centered on patient care and may also include educational, research, and administrative activities.

For more information, call 909/558-7295; email:; or visit the department website at

Physician Assistant — M.P.A.

Interim Chair

Rasha Abdrabou

Program director

Courtney Marquez

Medical director

Wessam Labib

Program assessment director

Rasha Abdrabou

Didactic director

Erin Gysbers

Didactic coordinators

Heather Cabrera

Catherine Oms

Clinical director

Courtney Marquez

Clinical coordinators

Tunde Hrotko

Charles Huynh

Adjunct Faculty

Yasmin Chene

Mirella Cortez

Shannon Rivera

Bethania Siviero

William Wilson